Thursday, October 21, 2010

Today is a new day!

     Thank you so much Sheilah for the rope! You have no idea how much I needed that!  I feel better and stronger today.  I just need to gain back control of my good habits.  I will do that.  I have to do it.  Not that it really matters but it has been 3 weeks I haven't been eating that great.  But no more!  I will plant my feet firmly on the ground and dig my heels in.  I have way to much to live for to live an unhealthy life that will most definitely shorten it.  No more excuses!  I was .8# lighter this AM so I'm on the right track.

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing you can do going back but a lot you can do going forward. I was looking for you to write about a bit of success in your day and .8# is more than little, it's a step in the right direction with more to come.

